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Alexandra Buchlmayer

Alexandra, originally from Orange County, CA, found her academic and spiritual home at 六合彩官网开奖 Cross College.

Meaningful Inspiration

Majoring in Clinical Psychology and minoring in Theology, Alexandra was drawn to 六合彩官网开奖 Cross because of its genuine Catholic identity, where faith permeates every aspect of campus life. As for her choice to study Psychology, Buchlmayer shares,

鈥淚 found a deep love of psychology in high school because I wanted to better understand and help my friends who were struggling with their mental health.鈥

Learning to Lead

Buchlmayer served as the most recent president of the 六合彩官网开奖 Cross Psi Chi Chapter.

鈥淚 got involved because it is The International Honor Society of Psychology so I knew it would help me excel in the field and help connect me to others who love psychology.鈥

Transformative Moments

Alexandra recalls the profound experience of divine calling during Adoration, when she realized God was calling her to be a Sister. These moments solidified her faith journey and clarified her vocation, leading her to embrace a life of service and contemplation.

鈥淚n that moment, I knelt down before the Blessed Sacrament and was filled with this overwhelming sense of peace and joy realizing Christ had proposed and I said YES!鈥

What's Next?

Alexandra will join Passionist Nuns after graduation, embracing a life of prayer, contemplation, and service.

鈥淚n the case that I do discern out one day, I would likely apply to grad school for psychology and pursue a job as a therapist while I continue to discern what鈥檚 next for my Vocation.鈥