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Your gift to ÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø¿ª½± Cross College means the world to our students

Three male students on campusThe support of ÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø¿ª½± Cross College alumni, parents, and friends has never been more important.

Tuition only covers 68 percent of the cost to educate a student. With government support decreasing, costs increasing, and the economic uncertainty caused by COVID-19, donations from generous donors like you keep a ÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø¿ª½± Cross education accessible, effective, and transformative.

In addition, when you give a gift of any amount to your alma mater, you improve our alumni giving rate, which bolsters the College’s rankings in U.S. News & World Report. The higher our rankings, the more likely we are to attract the next generation of citizens, scholars, leaders, and disciples—and the more valuable your ÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø¿ª½± Cross College degree becomes.

Give the gift of a ÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø¿ª½± Cross education

The vast majority of Saints rely on financial aid to cover the costs of their ÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø¿ª½± Cross education:

  • 83 percent of our students receive some form of financial aid.
  • The average financial aid package for 2020 was $27,075.
  • In 2020, ÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø¿ª½± Cross gave students $6.9 million in need-based, merit, and athletic scholarships.

, or consider making an unrestricted gift to our Annual Fund to ensure the College can keep our costs low for students, meet unplanned-challenges, and seize new opportunities as they arise.